Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Investigates Rutherford County Schools' Ongoing Network Disruption

Rutherford County Schools (RCS) in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, publicly announced a significant network disruption on November 27, 2024, following an incident that began on November 25, just days before the Thanksgiving holiday. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) has since joined the inquiry to determine the source and scope of the breach. While RCS Superintendent Jimmy Sullivan assured families that no unauthorized access to personal information has been confirmed, concerns are mounting after reports linked the BlackSuit ransomware group to the attack. Students have been instructed to turn in their school-issued devices for potential security upgrades, and the district continues to implement workarounds to maintain operations while its systems remain offline.

This incident reflects a broader trend of cyberattacks targeting educational institutions in Tennessee. Earlier this year, on July 7, Southwest Tennessee Community College experienced a cyberattack that disrupted its network, delaying registration and summer term classes. The college worked closely with computer forensics experts and state officials to resolve the issue. Similarly, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation’s involvement in the Rutherford County Schools breach highlights the urgent need for stronger cybersecurity measures in education. While RCS remains focused on restoring full functionality and securing its network, the complexity of the investigation and recovery process leaves the timeline for full resolution uncertain.


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